Everyone falls in love at one point or the other in our lives. Falling in love is a beautiful thing, it is a phase which many people do not want to leave.

When you see two people who love each other, it started off first as an attraction, which developed to a strong form of attachment. These two people find it hard to let go of each other. This form of love is known as romance.

Asides romantic love, there is the love which parents have for their children and vice-versa. This type of love comes with no form of romantic attachment.

There is also the love which we have for our friends, that would make us go lengths for them. Sometimes, love in friendship is usually devoid of romance.

In this piece, we would be majoring on romantic love. This is a form of love which has seemingly been bastardized by the media. These days, children grow up knowing the wrong definition of romantic love, and the media is highly responsible for this.

For some people, romantic love only exists when both parties are able to make out on a regular basis. The absence of this supposedly signifies the disappearance of love. This is largely false.

Romantic love does not just boil down to making out and having a nice time with your partner.

One of the strong pillars of romantic love, is commitment and tolerance. This requires you to look beyond the faults of your partner, and keep up with them, hoping they get better.

In romantic love, each party is expected to give the other benefit of doubt, and room for them to become better. When there is no tolerance, romantic love tends to die out.

The media has a lot of work to do in order to correct the mindset of people, educating them that love does not just boil down to the feelings we have inside, there is a lot of work to be done in order to sustain the romantic love.